
In this page you will find a collection of research topics of my interest.

Powder Industry

Discretising Hard metals

A numerical and parallelised method to describe a reacting packed bed in contact with a gas phase is being developed by linking material and computer sciences. Packed bed processes...

Simulation of WO3 reduction in H2

Simulation of WO3 reduction in H2 Reduction of WO3 to tungsten in a hydrogen atmosphere is described by well-known reaction schemes, for which temperature and reaction progress is...

Cement production

In cement production, direct measurements of thermal and chemical variables are often unfeasible as a consequence of aggressive environments, moving parts and physical inaccessibility, therefore, prediction models are essential...

Additive Manufacturing (AM)

Additive Manufacturing (AM)

XDEM Towards Additive Manufacturing

Often referred to as 3D printing, Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques are more and more employed because of their advantages for both parts design and production flexibility that offer material...

Heat and Mass transfer

Resolved heat transfer to walls in rotary furnaces

Heat is transferred from the inner walls of rotary furnaces towards the granular feedstock by radiation and conduction ; at the same time, inner and outer walls experience heat exchange with...

Heat loss through packed bed reactor walls’

Predicting heat loss through packed bed reactor walls' by Conjugate Heat Transfer (Project under development at LuXDEM). A large number of engineering applications involve granular material or a particulate...

Heat transfer in Packed-beds

Packed bed reactors dominate a broad range of engineering applications. In a packed bed reactor, heat is transferred from the solid particles to the gas flow stream through the...

eXtended Discrete Element Method

Introduction to XDEM

The extended discrete element method (XDEM) is a numerical technique that extends the dynamics of granular material or particles as described through the classical discrete element method (DEM) (Cundall...

Sustainable development and renewable energies

European actions towards energy efficiency and emission reductions in South America

The objective, of this short review, was to analyze the Kyoto mechanisms and in particular the Clean Development Mechanism. Then check the CDM methodology and evaluate the efficiency of...

Manual de Proyección Duradera para la Construcción

This is a master thesis that is being developed in and for Mexico. My contribution to this research it's rather limited, but it's a subject that I really would...


Signal Processing for BCI

The electroencephalographic signals (EEG) are corrupted by various artifacts, among which the ocular ones prevail thus making their elimination necessary. The aim of this research, other than implementing an...

Computer Simulations of Magnetic Particles

Computer Simulations of Magnetic Grains